Subject: EZ-Forms eXecutive v4.01f forDOS Author: EZXHOU Uploaded By: EZXHOU Date: 5/28/1996 File: EZFORMSX.ZIP (352459 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 57 Keywords: EZX, Marion, Form, Forms, Eforms, Design, Modify, Fill-in, Fill-out, PK2 EZ-Forms eXecutive v4.01f for DOS EZFORMSX.ZIP EZX Corp., Ed Marion Note to AOL sysops #1: UPDATE, replaces EZFX: V4.01e E-Z Forms Executive Keywords: EZX, Marion, Form, Forms, Eforms, Design, Modify, Fill-in, Fill-out, PK204, DOS, Forms Processor, Math, Pick-List, Fill, Revise, Create, Edit, Fill-in, Fill-out - Now with 40+ Function Math, Pop-Up User's Pick Lists & Pop-Up User's Form Help, and Tab Scheduling! - Create, Fill, File, Print ... You can even fill-out pre-printed forms up to 15 pages long! - Need a form even faster? EZ-Forms eXecutive v4.01f, "EZFX" comes with over 101 pre-designed forms, all quickly modifiable. And when you have your perfect form, EZFX will print a perfect master from for your copier or local printer. Or leave the master form on your screen, fill in your data, and print the perfect form, error-free. Our pre-designed forms include sales orders, calendars, expense reports, financial reports, invoices, ledgers, organizational charts, memos, purchase orders, directories, schedules, etc. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: IBM PC & compatibles with 640K RAM (512K free), DOS 3.1+, any monitor, hard drive. Over 500 popular printers supported. Documentation: README.EXE plus Extensive Online-Context Sensitive Help.